Perspectives of Inclusion – Civic dialogue about work integration of persons with disabilities from the perspective of different local community stakeholders
IRIS Network organized on 10th December 2024 in Pančevo, on the human rights day, the social dialogue titled ” Perspectives of inclusion ” – Civic dialogue about work integration of persons with disabilities from the perspective of different local community stakeholders, with special focus on work integration of this target group, opportunities and challenges which they are facing.
The dialogue brought together representatives of organizations members of Iris Network, civic society organizations that provide social services to persons with disabilities, as well as representatives of institutions. At the event were present representatives of the National Employment Service and Erste Bank, from sector for social banking, members of the Pančevo City Council and Administration, Association Volja za zivotom from Velika Plana, Associations Evo ruka from Belgrade, Na pola puta from Pančevo and Zelena Plantaza Iva from Surduk.
Main topics for discussion covered programs of the National Employment Service for persons with disabilities, their position and needs, obstacles and challenges with which they encounter in everyday life, legal restrictions and other obstacles which makes their active engagement difficult, opportunities for overcoming them, obligations of institutions and support, as well as their integration and work engagement in social enterprises, as one of the models of working integration. In conclusion, through exchange of good practices, participants jointly developed recommendations which could help in the future to improve the position of persons with disabilities. In addition, all present participants express their interest to form an informal network and cooperate in order to improve position of persons with disabilities on the labor market.
The civic dialogue was organized within project “IRIS Progress – Strengthening capacity providers community service and participation in publicpolicies” which is funded by the European Union, and implemented by Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC).