Croatian national network

Croatian national network

Meeting for interested organizations from region of Slavonija, Baranja and Middle Dalmacija took place in town Osjek on 25th of December.  In inaugural meeting 33 representatives of organizations engaged in the development and delivery of various types of social services discussed of and established Croatian National network.

KONEKTA – National network of Serbia

KONEKTA – National network of Serbia

Education Center Leskovac( EDC) organized meeting for establishment of Serbian network of CSOs on 15th of December.  They named new network Konekta and it is opened to all interested service providers. Through this project , members of the network Konekta will receive expert support through active , mutual learning and exchange of experiences (peer review method ) and direct mentoring support in the following areas : minimum standards of social protection , licensing organizations and individuals for provision of social services and the accreditation of training programs , entry criteria and priorities of beneficiaries receiving social care, control of the organization and services , monitoring and evaluation, etc.

To make this network more efficient and visible EDC made website ( with all partner organizations.

Konekta consisting of 20 organizations from Arilje, Brus, Coka,  Dimitrovgrad, Golubac, Ivanjica, Kikinda, Knjaževac, Krupanj, Krusevac, Ljubovija, Novi Pazar, Presevo, Prokuplje, Sjenica, Topola, Trstenika,  Valjevo, Velika Plana and Vlasotinca.  About 700 users receive services provided within the existing network Konekta.

Regional Network meeting

Regional Network meeting

The Regional Network meeting took place on 9th and 10th of December 2013, in Belgrade , at Palace of Serbia. The thematic topic of this meeting was “Promoting Active Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the Western Balkans and Building of network of CSO providers of social services” . The event was organized by the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), the Social Inclusion and Poverty Unit Serbia, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and SOLIDAR, Belgium.

The event was attended by representatives from the Civil and Governmental sectors from South Eastern Europe and the EU next to the presentation of the findings of the Baseline Study encompassed panel discussions with relevant stakeholders on Active Inclusion and Social Cohesion in South Eastern Europe.