The IRIS Network Regional Social Academy – Human Rights-Based Approach in Social Service Provision

Regional Social Academy organized in Belgrade, from 11th to 15th December was a place of meeting of social service providers from West Balkan 6 countries that discussed human rights base approach to the community service provision. This year 30 participants, members of IRIS network, social partners and other civil society organizations attended the Academy.

Apart of discussing human rights in the region, participants explored linkages between HRBA and social service delivery, learned about instruments and mechanisms for protecting beneficiaries’ rights. 4 day tailor-made training consisted of different learning methodologies including lectures, workshops and study visit.

Study visit was organized to Association ,,Half a way there” in Pančevo, where participants spend a half of day learning on the independent living services in the community, work integration and participate in the daily activities with beneficiaries.

The Regional Social Academy is part of the project IRIS Progress, organized annually and funded by The European Union.

Granting support for 13 projects for developing of community based services

Out of 54 received project proposals, IRIS Network awarded 13 small grants to its members in developing of community based services. Grants were distributed in total amount of 179 746 EUR supporting projects aiming to strengthen the capacities of the network members and enabling them to improve service provision and establish effective mechanisms for the protection of human rights.

The grants will support 13 IRIS members in capacity-building actions for the purpose of enabling organisations to develop adequate services, capabilities, and skills in public policy influencing. Implementation period of these projects will last between 8-12 months. The start date for the projects is 15th of December, 2023.

Overall objective is to build capacities of IRIS organisations to improve service provision and establish effective mechanisms for protection of human rights preventing all forms of discrimination, bringing positive change in the region.

Specific objective is to influence service provision and policy environment and grow outreach in the communities for the purpose of protecting and inclusion of marginalized population.

The projects assessment criteria included: organisational performance; comprehensiveness of information including relevance of the proposal to objectives of the fund, objectives of the project and addressing identified need; capacity of identified activities to achieve defined objectives; the relationship between the proposed actions and the financial plan; the intended impact of the project and future sustainability.

IRIS network would like to congratulate all of its member organizations who received grants, but also to thank all applicants who sent us their project proposals. You can find a list of awarded members here.