Regional training program „Efficient management – better services“, Lake Palic

Regional training program Efficient management – better services, Lake Palic

Regional training program „Efficient management – better services“ has started today in Lake Palic, Hotel Park. Around 55 representatives of CSOs, members of Croatian and Serbian national networks gathered for five-day seminar to discuss and improve their knowledge of management of civil society organizations,  positioning to the target group and market, financial management, strategic planning, methods of financing,advocacy for the improvement of social services, projects writing and implementation.

The main objective of the training seminar is to improve the quality of social services through the empowerment of the local, grass-root organizations. Most of these organizations are constantly facing great financial problems with the lack of good organizational management. Exchanging good practices and with good theoretical support, these organizations will be able to increase the range and quality of their services . Increasing the capacity of CSOs will enable the voices of people who want to influence the reform of the public sector through analysis, monitoring and advocacy to be heard. This will ensure a high level of quality in the provision of social services for vulnerable groups (people with disability, children and youth at risk, victims of gender-based violence, domestic violence, refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups).

This training seminar is also a seminar preparation for members of the IRIS network on how to develop good project proposals for our applications for grants under the “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional Civil Society networks” implemented by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund SEE and funded by the European Union. Call for proposals is opened until 5th of August , and the best twenty project proposals will receive a grant in of 3000 euros for project implementation.