In spite of the global scale, severity, and widespread uncertainty of the coronavirus outbreak, which hindered the efforts of the Iris Network and its members, the Network has been regularly following the activities of its members, especially their responses throughout the ongoing  COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the lessons learned in the face of the pandemic was that the ability to react promptly and tackle the new challenges in an innovative way have been pivotal in surpassing the crisis.  For that reason, the January – June Edition of the Newsletter features the stories of the Network members, in which they shared how they managed to adapt their activities to the new reality.

Along the same lines, the Iris Network conducted a survey among its members and based on the thorough analysis of their responses complied a Report  on  Social  Services  during  Coronavirus  Pandemic  in  Western  Balkan  Countries (link).

Members of the Network reported that they have not been included by local governments to participate, discuss and create adequate responses and policies pertaining to the protection of rights of vulnerable categories during COVID-19.  Likewise, IRIS Network members indicated that only a few local authorities have implemented measures in order to maintain current social services, support them and mitigate the critical situation. More so, sources of funding constitute by far the greatest challenge in the current situation, while majority of the survey participants expressed their concern regarding future sources of funding and declared that their expectations lay within the pool of international donors.


Montenegro in the integrated migration management process – Monitoring report

Montenegro in the integrated process migration management – Monitoring report

The Government of Montenegro, in February 2017, after obtaining an opinion from the EC, adopted the Strategy for integrated migration management in Montenegro for the period 2017-2020. Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of measures planned by the strategy is the responsibility of the Ministry of internal affairs. This is the second strategic document in the field of migration because the Government of Montenegro, in March 2011. adopted the Strategy for Integrated Migration Management in Montenegro for the period 2011-2016.

The main goal of the Strategy is full harmonization and establishment of the legal framework, as well as additionally strengthening the institutional framework that provides the opportunity for effective policy implementation control of migration movements in accordance with EU rules and standards, as well as the establishment monitoring system for monitoring the Strategy and implementation of action plans. The ultimate goal of the Strategy is establishing a society with a late system and recognizable results in the field integrated migration management, which will contribute to regional and overall stability in accordance with EU rules and standards.

Full report: