Third Iris Network Regional Social Academy follow up
It has been two weeks since the IRIS Network Social Academy was conducted. What have we learned? Has agile already become a part of our business or at least our mindset?
Participants and trainers gathered once again to reflect on lessons learned and exchange feedback.
Teo Petricevic, Director of the ACT Group, highlighted that in agile management, one should lead by example. He emphasized that the transition process from traditional to agile takes time and patience. Teo and the entire team of trainers are satisfied with the performance and exchange of knowledge and experiences.
- Nearly all participants expressed the willingness and readiness to incorporate agile management tools and methodologies into their everyday operations and organizations.
- Some IRIS Network members shared that after the Academy they have recognized aspects of agile within their business culture and organizations.
- The majority of participants are ready to embrace the changes and challenges that come with agile management