CORRIGENDUM Notice on Grant Scheme

IRIS Network is announcing that GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS published on 29.09.2015. is modified in accordance to the changes published in CORRIGENDUM NO1. 

For additional information please find attached CORRIGENDUM. 

Helping refugees in Croatia – activities of Volunteer Centre Osijek

Based on the latest information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs over 130 000 refugees have entered Croatia so far. Hundreds of volunteers have shown great motivation to help save people’s lives and dignity. Many organizations try to help with their resources. From September 18th Volunteer Centre Osijek, in cooperation with CARE International, has organized over 100 volunteers in everyday support activities for refugees in transit centre Opatovac, a place near Croatian eastern border with Serbia, but also border crossings Tovarnik and Bapska. Volunteers are engaged in delivering humanitarian aid (food packages, clothes, raincoats, etc.) in the camp, providing support to refugees, mothers with young children who need medical and social care and helping with registration of refugees. The profiles of volunteers are very different by age, professions, education etc.  Many prominent individuals in communities are taking part in the action: actors, writers, university professors, psychologist etc. This crisis has shown a great potential for solidarity and volunteerism, proving  the need for active and strong civil society.

National Congress of IRIS Network – Konekta

National Congress of Konekta Network was held on 1.10.2015, in Paraćin with the presence of 32 member organisations. Guests on the Congress were representatives of: Social inclusion and poverty reduction unit, Centre for social policy Belgrade, National organization of persons with disabilities of Serbia, Lokalpress network – association of local media in Serbia and media partner Medijacija – Portal Who is responsible that follows the activities of Konekta network in last 12 months.

Following the needs for the positioning and formalisation of national network, members of Konekta decided to start official registration process after three year operations as informal network. The network will be registered as Association of organisations social service providers – Konekta Network.

During the Congress, Statute and Network activity plan for 2016 was adopted. Following Konekta Network Congress will be held in June 2016 for the purpose of expanding membership and Strategic plan development.


In the framework of the project “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional CSOs”, implemented by the consortium of SOLIDAR, LIR CD BiH, OGI Croatia, EDC Serbia, SOS TELEPHONE Montenegro, CLARD Kosovo, ARSIS Albania, ASYD FYROM – led by ASB Germany, SOLIDAR is organising a Professional Staff Training Programme open to staff members of CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans, that are part of the IRIS Network.

The programme offers to one selected candidate the opportunity to spend 4 weeks in the premises of Movimiento por la Paz (MPDL)  in Madrid (Spain) and provides a learning experience on the provision of social services and civic movement in Spain, as well as insight into how the provision of services and the policy advocacy is shaped. Travel, accommodation and living costs of the selected candidate will be covered.

For more information please see the on the description of the Programme.