IRIS network gathers members from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia and it was established between nine partners: IDC Serbia, ASB, Open Gate – La Strada Macedonia, EDC, LIR, CLARD, SOLIDAR, SOS PG, OGI, Nisma për Ndryshim Shoqëror, ARSIS and ASYD.
IDC Serbia
- Impuls Arilje Club OSI
- Društvo MNRL, DB
- NVO Organizacija mladih “Cupae”
- Društvo za cerebralnu i dečju paralizu Ivanjica
- Društvo Naša kuća
- UG “Udruženje multiple skleroze Knjaževac”, PA
- Udruženje “Zora”, DB
- Udruženje žena “Vila”, DB
- Udruženje MNRL Tahir Taša Delić
- Udruženje MNRO Preševo
- Volonterski centar Koraci
- Udruženje za pomoć MNRO
- Udruženje Volja za životom
- NVO Osmeh
- Društvo roditelja dece ometene u razvoju
- Porečje
- Udruženje Caribrod – Dimitrovgrad
- Sigma Plus
- Organizacija za demokratiju i razvoj Bujanovac
- Centar za aktivizam Vranje
- Jesujit refugee service
- Muslimansko humanitarno društvo Merhamet – Sandžak
- Refugee aid Serbia
- Udruženje građana Jedinstvo akcija
- Caritas
- Fondacija za izbeglice
- NVO Misli globalno, deluj lokalno
- DB Dečja radost
- DB Srce za decu
- Udruženje Roma Carina
- Udruženje obolelih od cerebralne paralize
- Centar za decu i omladinu
- Udruženje Roma Beočin
- Evo Ruka
- Kocka
- Centar Fides
- Na pola puta
- Centar Zvezda
- Humanitarni centar za integraciju i toleranciju
- Udruženje GRUV
- Prostor
- Zelena plantaža ,,Iva”
- Udruženja psihologa Novi Pazar
Center for Labour Rights
- Different & Equal
- National Association Education for Life – SHKEJ
- Psycho-Social Centre “Vatra”
- LGBT Alliance Albania
- Institute of Romani Culture in Albania – IRCA
- MEDPAK Association
- Tjeter Vizion
- TLAS (Tirana Legal Aid Society)
- ADRA Albania
- ARSIS – Social Organisation for the Support of the Youth
- “Amaro-Drom” Union
- Terre des hommes
- Alo 116
- ACA – Albanian community assistance
- Partners for children
- Institute for Psychological Services for Community
- SOS Children villages Albania
- Shelter for abused women and girls Albania
- International Association for Solidarity
- World vision Albania
- JOBIS Center
- Center for right of Roma
- AGRITRA vizion center
- Center for social advocacy
- Women forum ELBASAN
- Useful to women and community
- Center for gender justice Albania
- Women center Easy steps
- Center for active society
Community Development Institute - CDI
- Association on Social Workers of the city of Skopje
- Association Regional Center for persons with intellection disability ” Poraka Nasa”- Kumanovo
- Roma Community Center ” DROM”- Kumanovo
- Women’s Civic Initiative “ANTICO”
- Organization ”Mladi Info”
- Youth alliance Tetovo
- European Perspective
- NVO Humanost
- Bumerang 2015
- Legis
- Macedonian young lawyers association
- Center for civic initiative
- BOCIA Association
- Association for people with disabilities ,,Together we can”
- Association for protection of children rights
- Association SWALLOW
- ZEDRM-Afriel-Pozitiva
- Association Initiative of unemployed intellectuals
- Development Association of Roma community in Macedonia
- Bravura Cooperativa
- Association for right of children and youth for special needs – Lastovica Skopje
- Youth Council Prilep
- Association center for development and education Prilep
- Association for rural development, locan action group AGRO LIDER KRIVOGASHTANI
- Coalition SEGA
- Association for promotion and development of an inclusive sociaety INKLUZIVA
- Association center for educational support DENDO VAS
- HERA – Health Education and Research Association
- Asocijacija ŽENA Delčevo
- Disability service association HENDIMAK
- Center for youth activism CYA KRIK
- Open gate La Strada
- Association HOPS – Healthy options project Skopje
- Caritas biskupije Banja Luka
- Centar za majku i dijete i socijalni paket za stare, bolesne i iznemogle Fenix
- Udruženje “Krajiška suza”
- Udruženje za pomoć mentalno nedovoljno razvijenim licima Banja Luka
- Udruženje roditelja, djece i omladine sa posebnim potrebama i lica sa invaliditetom “Korak nade”
- Udruženje građana “OAZA”
- Udruženje žena Podstrek Tuzla
- Udruženje paraplegičara obolelih od dečje paralize i ostalih tijelesnih invalida regije Doboj
- Udruženje za pomoć djeci i omladini sa posebnim potrebama ,,Tračak Nade”
- Udruženje hendikepirane djece i omladine Leptir
- Udruženje djece sa posebnim potrebama ,,Rastimo zajedno”
- UG zajedno
- Udruženje djece i omladine sa posebnim potrebama i njihovih roditelja Iskra
- Centar za podršku porodicama djece i osoba sa poteškoćama ,, Dajte nam šansu – Zvjezdice”
- Udruženje roditelja djece i omladine sa posebnim potrebama i invalidnih lica Sunce
- Udruženje za pomoć djeci sa posebnim potrebama Dobro srce
- Centar za podršku djeci i osobama sa poteškoćama u razvoju Djeca Sunca
- Udruženje “Nova generacija”
- Udruženje “Zemlja djece u BiH”
- NVO “Nada”
- Udruga HO “Altruist”
- Centar za psihološku podršku SENSUS
- NVO udruženje građanki Grahovo – Bosansko Grahovo
- UG Centar za lični rast i razvoj
- Fondacija Muharem Berbić
- Naša djeca, our kids, Mostar
- Udruženje “Žene sa Une”
- Fondacija “Lara”
- Udruženje PROI
- Udruženje Žene BiH
- Udruženje Žena Priroda
- Udruženje žena Bubamara
- Unija za održivi povratak i integracije u BiH
- Udruženje građana za promociju obrazovanja Roma OTAHARIN
- Udruženje Roma “Euro Rom”
- LIR Civilno društvo
- LEDA Zenica
- Udruženje Romi na djelu
- Udruženje Romska djevojka
ALFA Centar
- Caritas barske nadbiskupije
- Association of Paraplegics Bar
- Association of Internally displaced persons ,,Kosmet”
- SOS telephone women and children victims of violence – Berane (SOS Berane)
- SOS telephone women and children victims of violence – Bijelo Polje
- SOS telephone women and children victims of violence – Nikšić (SOS Nikšić)
- SOS telephone women and children victims of violence – Podgorica (SOS Podgorica)
- SOS telephone women and children victims of violence – Ulcinj (SOS Ulcinj)
- SOS telephone Plav
- Red Cross Berane
- Association for Civil Society Development
- Humanitarac
- Organization of the blind in Nikšić, Šavnik, Plužine
- Center for Rome Initiatives (CRI)
- NGO “Preporod/Rebirth”
- Association for helping people with disabilities – Niksić
- Open Center “Bona Fide”
- The Home of hope
- Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro
- Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (ADP Zid)
- Centre for Children Rights – Montenegro
- Center for Women’s Rights
- Montenegrin Women’s Lobby
- Red Cross of Montenegro
- Aliance of association of displaced persons, refugees and expellees in Montenegro
- NGO “Our Age”
- Juventas
- Defendologija
- Montenegrian AGW Fondation
- Association of parents
- Walk with us
- Network for european policy- Master
- Center for affirmation of RE Population – CAREP
Center for Independent Life
- Helath for all
- Centre for Protectionof Women and Children
- HandiKos
- Justice and the People
- Civil Rights Program
- One to One Kosovo
- Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims
- People with disabilities
- Klubi” Deshira”
- Pema
- European Centre for Minority Issues
- Gezimi Jone
- Kosovar Association for Human and Children’s Right
- Down Sindrom Kosova
- SOS Fshati I Femijeve
- Handikep Kosova
- REA Prishtina
- KVRL-Kline
- Mus-e Kosova
- Beyond the Rainbow
- OJQ Forca
- Forume for Peace
- Komiteti I grave te verbera KS
- Oda e Prizrenit
- Nas dom
- Mundesia
- Fatjona
- CECD-Friends
- Grate Fermere Suhareke
- Melissa
- Duart plote meshire
- Handikos Skenderaj
- Kosovar Centre for Self Help
- Handikos Vushtrri
- Handikos Drensa
- Handikos Mitrovice
- Handikos Istog
- Handikos Malisheve
These partners were selected based on the previous experience in the joint implementation of different socio-economic projects or based on common values and priorities related to the development of CSOs at the national and regional level.
Beside the partnership between the above-mentioned organizations, each partner has organized the network of at least 20 national CSOs that provide social service in different sector: elderly care, care for persons with disabilities, gender based and domestic violence, support to children and youth at risk and migrants.