Invitation: Croatia national network conference
Dear Mr/Mrs,
We wish to invite you to participate in closing conference of the project „Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional Civil Society networks“ in Croatia, organized by IRIS network partner Organization for Civil Initiatives (OGI). Event will take place in Hotel „Vila Ariston“ in Osjek, 16th of October 2014.
Purpose of the conference is to present findings and successfully concluded activities of IRIS network in first two project years and to present planned actions for 2015. and 2016. Members of the National network of Croatia will also sign Declaration of joint principals of action.
Thanks to the efforts of the organizers and with the financial support of the EU, there is no fee for the conference, and all costs of transport are covered by OGI. Travel costs will be refunded on the spot so we kindly ask you to save your tickets or gas receipts.
Please send filled application form no later than Tuesday, 14th of October to
We are expecting you!