Stories of Hope – RUHAMA

Stories of Hope – RUHAMA

RUHAMA- Bringing a ray of light into the lives of people in need

Humanitarian organization „RUHAMA“ became member of Bosnian national network in November 2013. This NGO has been dedicated in helping socially most handicapped population, the old and disable people for ten years. This is the only organization in Zenica-Doboj Canton for Health and Palliative Care for people above the age of 60 years. The Team of 12 doctors, 12 nurses, 90 volunteers (from 12 to 22 years), social worker physician, lawyer and craftsman (plumber and electrician) has been carrying out all services of supporting people in need. The specific objective of program „ Home Care“ is continuation of regular and systematic support to the home visiting program , run by Ruhamas medical team and volunteers, and it includes the following : Help in the house, medical care, dentist, personal hygiene, recreational and educational center.

From many patients Ruhama Centar and their specialists took care for in the last year, one elderly lady made extraordinary progress. This is her story.

–          Two middle-aged woman brought their mother from Sarajevo, which is away from Zenica 80km. They begged for help to their mother, who had a severe stroke, fed with feeding tube and was in a semi-conscious state. They were stressed and through tears explained that the doctor said that their mother will live just one to two more weeks. Specialists fro Ruhama promised these two ladies that they will do everything in their power to help their mother, but with a touch of suspicion, because the old lady was really in a very difficult situation with all forms of long-term complications of decompensation (decubital wounds, thrombosis, pneumonia) .

After standard admission procedures in Ruhama, physicians reviewed patient records, discharge papers and other medical reports and opened a medical card and planned implementation of health care for this 72 years old lady.Every day is the therapy had an adequate diet that is made  for individuals who feed on the tube. Continuous staff in a light and calming ambience discussed with patient though she was in a semi-conscious state. After some time the old woman was first opened her eyes and began to respond to their inquiries. The physical therapist started working with her and she slowly started sitting and learning to walk again. Defectologist was also in the team and was trying to eliminate speech disturbances, because she had aphasia (damage of the speech center). Complete treatment, which lasted a year has led to the success of this old lady: she talked, walked up and started to react to what is happening around her.

This is only one successful example which would not happen if project „Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional CSO networks“  wasn’t recognized as important by the European Union.

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