Benchmark study – Social progress and EU accession process in the Western Balkan countries

The Social Progress – Regional Benchmark Study is prepared with the framework of Strengthening capacities and policy engagement of community service providers – IRIS PROGRESS project, implemented by Initiative for Development and Cooperation (Serbia), in cooperation with project partners Arbeiter – Samariter – Bund Deutschland (Germany), Center for Labour Rights (Albania), LIR CD (BiH), Center for Independent Life (Kosovo*), Community Development Institute (North Macedonia) and Alfa Center (Montenegro), funded by the EU.

Benchmark study provides an overview of the progress made in the framework of the EU accession process regarding the following policy areas: social services, human rights protection, anti-discrimination policies, employment and social economy.

Access the study HERE 


Iris Network Newsletter – Social services for all

IRIS Network regional online advocacy campaign Social Services for All is commencing, focusing on the promotion of needs of the social services beneficiaries and more inclusive policies, with the aim to influence, in our own capacity, migration-related policies in the WB countries.

With the campaign itself, we wish to highlight the importance of social services provided by the civil society organizations in the countries of the region and their impact on the beneficiaries coming from the most vulnerable categories.

Read more about what we are aiming to achieve with the campaign and join us in promoting good practices in the region!

⏩Newsletter ⏪




Iris Network Shadow reports

Shadow reports of the IRIS Network provide an independent answer against the issues related to migrant protection for which the state has committed. Annual Shadow reports monitor migrant-related social services from the point of view of the relevant policies: how social welfare services are developed from the point of view of migrant-related policy – inclusive education, social inclusion, inclusion at the labor market, etc. This approach links the development of the migrant-related social services with impacts in different relevant policies and provides another aspect and quality to the EU advocacy mechanism.


Under the “IRIS NETWORKing – CSOs for protection sensitive migration management” project Shadow Reports for Chapters 19 and 24 have been produced for all partner countries.

For country-specific information, please follow the links below:


Albania, chapter 19

Albania, chapter 24

Bosnia and Herzegovina, chapter 19

Bosnia and Herzegovina, chapter 24

Montenegro, chapter 19

North Macedonia, chapter 19

North Macedonia, chapter 24

Serbia, chapter 19

Serbia, chapter 24

Regional GAP Assessment – Iris Network

The Regional GAP Assessment on the current situation in service provision for migrants and the future desirable state has been developed in order to identify the discrepancies between the current situation in service provision for migrants and the future desirable state in Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Very few analyses of this kind exist in the countries in the region, and none at the regional level.

This results in the lack of knowledge of the real needs of the migrant target group and the problems they face every day which leads to a wide range of discrimination and violations of their human rights in all segments. Therefore, the Gap Assessment does not only pinpoint the discrepancies between the current situation and the desired one, but it also offers potential solutions and lays out the tasks needed to overcome the existing gap.

The Regional GAP Assessment has been prepared through desktop research, interviews with relevant stakeholders, analysis of compiled data, and identifying current gaps. With such a holistic approach, the Regional GAP Assessment identifies gaps in terms of existing services, beneficiary needs, quality and standardization of the services, allocation of the funds for the services, and at the end, offered the solutions and determined the tasks needed to be completed to close this gap.

You may find the document in its integral version, or browse the data per country here (link)


This Regional Innovative Case Studies brochure is featuring ten innovative practices from the IRIS Network members from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. It is a collection of our members’ good practices during the ongoing COVID-19 predicament, where their work, activities, and operations have been dramatically challenged.

Through their innovative approach, these organizations managed to cope with the detriments of the crisis and continuously provide support to their beneficiaries.


Newsletter – Small grants of Iris Network 2019-2021

In the period of 2019/2021, IRIS Network awarded 39 small grants to its members to improve their social service provision and enhance local initiatives for advocacy in the social sphere. Grants were distributed in amounts up to 8000 EUR in five countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia. In the publication Small Grants Scheme Newsletter we acknowledge the achievements of our member organizations.



The first online Training of Trainers organized under the IRIS NETWORKing – CSOs for protection sensitive migration management was a great success! Over the course of 7 days, more than 20 participants from the Iris Network from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia have joined forces with the exquisite, experienced trainers in the domain of Migration Management and Adult Learning.


Third Iris Network Regional Social Academy – Newsletter December 2020.

The third Iris Network Regional Social Academy is successfully completed – three days, 36 participants, exchange of experiences, and shared know-how for the benefit of all participants and their organizations. We talked about the application of agile methods in management, as well as the structural changes that this way of management brings.

Although in an online environment, this Academy has had the added importance of connecting Iris Network members, for their exchange of opinions, experiences, and knowledge about both agile management and the work of their organizations.


Iris Network Newsletter_December 2020.

Protection of the rights of families on the move – a report on the conducted research

Zaštita prava porodica u pokretu – izvještaj o sprovedenom istraživanju