Assessing social progress in the Western Balkans 2016

Assessing social progress in the Western Balkans 2016

This country report provides policy recommendations on how to strengthen social inclusion and protection of minorities in the Western Balkan region and how to enable the environment for CSOs to provide social services. It focuses on recent developments that have taken place since  January 2016.

This country report is based on inputs provided by members of the IRIS Network, a regional network that brings together CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans: Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia . The inputs provided by partners in the Western Balkans are focused on the following sections:
1. Social inclusion, human rights and protection of minorities;
2. The situation of civil society organizations as service providers.

The IRIS network has been founded in the in the framework of the EU-funded project “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern Europe through the empowerment of national and regional CSOs”, implemented by the consortium of LIR CD BiH, OGI Croatia, EDC Serbia, SOS TELEPHONE Montenegro, CLARD Kosovo, ARSIS Albania, ASYD FYROM, and SOLIDAR – led by ASB Germany.

Framework Partnership Agreements Closing Event in Skopje

IRIS Network members: ASB, Solidar, LIRCD, ASYD and EDC,  participated in Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) Closing Event on 10 -11 November 2016 in Skopje. The aim of the event is to discuss issue concerning general development of the civil society in the Western Balkans and Turkey and to generate concrete self-reflective recommendations for further improvements concerning civil society organizations (CSOs) and CSO networks, but focusing on needed internal changes – values, strategic approaches, relevance, constituencies, public image and other issues.

During the Event, IRIS Network presented achievements regarding social service provider capacity building and policy influencing in 7 countries in SEE.  The participants discussed the current issues concerning the civil society in the region and identified other pending issues in the thematic areas of: environment, governance, and social development.

The conference was attended by representatives of the FPA projects, relevant key representatives from public institutions and CSOs from the Western Balkans and Turkey as well as representatives from EU institutions.



