Assistance to elderly and disabled citizens of Beli Manastir, Croatia

In Osjecko-Baranja County (Croatia) around 20 % of population are over 65 years old which makes it one of the areas with the oldest population in Europe. Many of them live alone in rural and remote parts, with no close relatives nearby and with not enough financial resources. Public social sector proves to be inefficient in these cases, so civil organizations needs to be their main support system. IRIS network member organization “Oaza”, throughout their project, educated around 70 members of different civil society organizations which are now fully trained to provide much needed assistance and services to over 1500 elderly and disabled citizens of town of Beli Manastir.

Supporting Social Investment – the Enlargement Perspective

Supporting Social Investment – the Enlargement Perspective

ROUND TABLE Organised by IRIS Network and SOLIDAR

At the beginning of the new parliamentary term when enlargement process is still ongoing, it is undoubtedly relevant to emphasize the importance of the socio-economic development of the Western Balkan region. Cutting the unemployment rate, social services enhancement, empowering the social investments and job creation in this sector are the priorities in the forthcoming times. In order to achieve aforementioned goals and to give a new impulse to the integration process, it is essential to include and to highlight social dimension of the enlargement in the policies shaped by the EU decision makers.

This round table will offer the possibility to discuss services of general interests, active inclusion and the role of social service providers in the Western Balkans in promoting quality jobs, economic growth and social investments. Members of the “IRIS Network – Improving social services in SEE” will present their daily work in the context of the EU Enlargement policies and will give good practices examples on combating poverty and promoting social cohesion. In addition, SOLIDAR’s Annual Monitoring report on the EU enlargement will be launched.
